Friday, December 29, 2006


I was inspired recently by a link from to a guy's blog in which he chronicles a personal experiment for 1 month. In the first month, he attempts to spend only $30 for the entire month on food (and succeeds).

Intrigued, I decided to try a similar experiment. I guess I'm caught up in the spirit of the oncoming New Year. I've always been inspired at the end of each year to make a list of New Year's resolutions - which I have NEVER been able to keep. Truthfully, I never even really try. I am discovering, in my advancing age, that I am really, really bad at denying myself anything.

But, I thought, if this guy could do something for a month, why couldn't I? 30 days? It's not forever. It seems a lot more doable than 365 days. So, here I go. In the first month (January 2007), I'll track my progress as I attempt to not spend any discretionary income. I can only spend on stuff I truly need (groceries, diapers), bills, etc.

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